Yijing Workshop Chicago

If you study the Yijing (I Ching), the Chinese Book of Changes and one or more of the following statements applies to you then this Yijing Workshop is for you:

  • When I consult the Yijing I often find it difficult to interpret the answer
  • I do not always understand the language used by the Yijing
  • I only use the text of the Yijing, and I would like to do more with the hexagram
  • I do not know how to interpret the trigrams
  • I know that every line of a hexagram has a meaning, and would like to know and use them
  • I’m curious how others use the Yijing
  • I have been using the Yijing for years, but still feel like a beginner
  • I want to know more about the Chinese philosophy behind the Yijing
  • I want to integrate the Yijing into my own profession

In one fascinating day you will learn how to get the most out of your Yijing experience!

Working with hexagrams

Most users of the Yijing, the Chinese Book of Changes, are not familiar with the practical value of the oldest layer of the book: the sixty-four hexagrams. They only read the text and the additional commentary & interpretation, but it is the text that is the most difficult part of the book, it is the part that baffles the reader the most. If you know how to read and apply the hexagram and its layers you have an extra tool to interpret the answer of the Yi and to arrive at a better understanding of the text.

In this workshop you will learn the following:

  • The composition of the Zhouyi, the foundation of the Yijing
  • How the ancient Chinese saw the hexagrams, how they used them and what we can learn from them
  • How to not ask questions
  • The coin method of consulting the Yijing
  • The practical value of the trigrams and lines
  • How these interact
  • How to read moving lines in combination with the trigrams
  • The nuclear trigrams and the baoti 包體 (‘enveloping trigrams’)
  • …and a lot more tools to open up the hexagram
  • How to gather all this data in a structured way to arrive at a meaningful interpretation of the Yi’s answer without reading the book.

All this will be illustrated by examples as well as cases provided by the members of the workshop. After this workshop you will know how to read the hexagram with confidence and you will be less dependent on the text of the Yijing.

About Harmen Mesker

Harmen (1966) started his study of the Yijing in 1982 when he was sixteen years old. His main interests are the history and language of the Yi, as well as the oldest usage of the book in early China. He recently started a YouTube channel (called YiTube) that will show instructional videos on all aspects concerning the Yi. On his website www.yjcn.nl he shares his latest projects as well as an ongoing research journal on the text of the Book of Changes. Harmen is frequently consulted to assist with the translation of old Chinese  texts and had an advisory role in several Dutch translations of Daoist inner alchemy neidan texts.

Date, location & price

Date: March 29th, 2019 10am-17pm incl. lunch break
Location: Purple Cloud Center for Eastern Medicine
Investment: $ 85.–


  1. Fill in the form below
  2. Make a down-payment of $40.– using the Paypal ‘Pay Now’ button (you can pay with credit card if you don’t have a Paypal account)

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