An Interview with a Sincere Idiot
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Click the image on the right for a video on this course. Ignore the references to ‘eight weeks’ and ‘eight students’ – I have updated the format of the course 😊
Embark on a transformative journey with our exclusive course, ‘Using the Full Zhouyi 周易 for Divination’. This immersive program is created to share the wisdom of the Yi Jing through a hands-on, experiential approach. Limited to just ten participants, the course promises an intimate and intensive exploration of divination, ensuring personalized attention and a profound learning experience.
Course Highlights:
The following video’s were recently added to my YiTube channel on youtube:
In less than 4 hours this course was fully booked 😊 Still interested? Fill in the form below and you will be put on the waiting list. A new instance of the course will probably start in July.
Click the image on the right for a video on this course.
Embark on a transformative journey with our exclusive 8-week course, ‘Using the Full Zhouyi 周易 for Divination’. This immersive program is created to share the wisdom of the Yi Jing through a hands-on, experiential approach. Limited to just eight participants, the course promises an intimate and intensive exploration of divination, ensuring personalized attention and a profound learning experience.
Course Highlights: